For the cost of less than one rental your tent can be totally cleaned and the whiteness and color restored! The cleaning process even cleans the cloth webbing, straps, and ropes! Our cleaning method will extend the life of your tent and make your customers happy! Even if you handwash your tent inventory throughout the year - it will NEVER get it as clean as our machine. We recommend machine washing your tents at least once or twice year to get that sparkle back in your inventory. Our process even removes the grey tint from aging tent tops! Applications
The Process
We can remove colored molds, leaf stains, and petroleum based stains. We can use "Blitz" to treat the worst of tents. Prices range from 35 cents to 60 cents per sq. ft. for machine washing. Blitz applications, colored molds, and pertoleum stains are extra. Please call us to discuss pricing.